Tuesday, April 15, 2008

La Passon de Jeanne d'Arc


The above link is a write-up by the Catholic church on Joan of Arc. You will find much of her biographical information and it answers any questions you may have regarding her life.

As far as this film goes, I agree Carl Dreyer is a genius. However, I found myself very upset in the fact that Joan was portrayed as a madwoman (in my opinion). The way she looked, her eyes bugged out and vacant, made me feel as if Dreyer himself though Joan was mad. I found it difficult to watch, as her expression rarely changed and that vacant look seemed ever-present. Joan, in my understanding of her, seemed a much stronger character than I felt Dreyer portrayed her. Yet, I think the final scene was brilliant. I could feel the agony Joan was enduring.

I feel that this is also a moving adaptation of the story of Joan of Arc, but cannot be compared to Carl Dreyer's timeless adaptation.

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